Corporate Governance

* This page contains information about Samty Holdings Co., Ltd., established on June 3, 2024.


Basic Thinking on Corporate Governance

Basic Thinking on Corporate Governance

The Samty Group considers the strengthening of corporate governance as a key management issue to ensure continuous development and become a company that earns the trust of society, with a high level of management soundness and transparency. The Group will strive to continuously improve corporate governance based on the principles of the Corporate Governance Code, by building an organizational structure that enables timely and accurate information disclosure, strengthening information management systems, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, and utilizing independent outside directors.

DFF Inc.

Corporate Governance Structure

Corporate Governance Structure

The Company has chosen to establish an Audit and Supervisory Committee as part of its organizational design. Through this corporate governance structure, which includes the Board of Directors that supervises the execution of duties by directors and the Audit and Supervisory Committee that audits the execution of duties by directors, the Company aims to improve transparency and fairness in management, while enabling speedy decision-making.

Corporate Governance Structure
DFF Inc.

The Nomination and Renumeration Committee and the Audit and Supervisory Committee

The Nomination and Renumeration Committee and the Audit and Supervisory Committee

(1) Nomination and Renumeration Committee

To enhance management transparency and further strengthen corporate governance, the Company has established the Nomination and Renumeration Committee composed of a majority of outside directors (three independent outside directors and one inside director). This Committee is responsible for advising and assisting the Board of Directors in the selection and appointment of directors, taking into consideration diversity and skill sets. Renumeration for directors is determined by the Board of Directors based on the Committee's discussions.

(2) Audit and Supervisory Committee

The Audit and Supervisory Committee is responsible for auditing the decision-making process of the Board of Directors and the status of business execution by directors. In order to monitor the execution of duties by directors from an objective and neutral standpoint, all members of the Committee are outside members. The Company has established a system that allows the Committee members to stay abreast of important management matters, key issues related to compliance and risk management, and other matters through activities such as attending and reviewing minutes of important meetings, reviewing all approval documents (on a per-approval basis), holding regular meetings with all directors, and listening to updates on the execution of duties as necessary.

DFF Inc.

Nomination of Candidates for Directors

Nomination of Candidates for Directors

For candidates for directors (excluding directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee), the Representative Director prepares a proposal, and the Board of Directors determines based on the results of discussions at the Nomination and Compensation Committee. For candidates for directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee, the Representative Director prepares a proposal, and the Board of Directors decides on the agenda for election at the General Meeting of Shareholders after obtaining the consent of the Audit and Supervisory Committee, based on the results of discussions at the Nomination and Compensation Committee.
Regarding the dismissal of a director, the Board of Directors decides as a proposal to the General Meeting of Shareholders based on the results of discussions by the Nomination and Compensation Committee, taking into consideration such factors as violations of laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation in the execution of duties, physical or mental disabilities, significant lack of ability, and responsibility for the performance of the division in charge.

DFF Inc.

Independence of Independent Outside Directors

Independence of Independent Outside Directors

The Group has established the following criteria regarding the independence of outside officers in order to certify those persons who may not have a conflict of interest with general shareholders as independent officers.

Criteria for the Independence of Outside Officers

If an outside officer (outside directors including members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee) meets the following criteria, the said outside officer shall be deemed independent and have no risk of conflict of interest with general shareholders.

  1. The outside officer is not currently or has not been in the past an executive, etc.*1 of the Group*2.
    • *1 Executive, etc. shall mean directors (excluding outside directors), corporate auditors (excluding outside corporate auditors), executive officers, accounting counselors, and other similar officers or employees.
    • *2 The Group shall mean the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
  2. The outside officer is not currently or has not been in the past five years:
    (1) A major shareholder*3 of the Company or an executor, etc. thereof; or
    (2) An executive, etc. of a company for which the Group is a major shareholder.
    • *3 A major shareholder shall mean a shareholder who holds 10% or more of the voting rights.
  3. The outside officer is not currently or has not been in the past five years a major business partner*4 of the Group or an executive, etc. of the said partner.
    • *4 Major business partner shall mean a business partner who has transactions with the Group in an amount equivalent to 2% or more of the consolidated net sales of either party.
  4. The outside officer is not currently or has not been in the past five years:
    (1) A recipient of remuneration of 10 million yen or more per year from the Group as a consultant, or an accounting or legal professional (if the recipient is a legal entity or an assorciation, etc., an individual who belongs to such legal entity or an assorciation, etc.), besides remuneration as a officer; or
    (2) A member, a partner or an employee of the accounting auditor of the Group.
  5. The outside officer is not currently or has never been in the past five years a recipient of donation of 10 million yen or more per year from the Group (if the recipient is a legal entity or an assorciation, etc., an individual who belongs to such legal entity or an assorciation, etc.).
  6. The outside officer is not currently or has never been in the past five years an executive, etc. of a party between which and the Group officers are mutually appointed.
  7. The outside officer is not a relative within the second degree of kinship of any individual falling under any of Items 1 through 6 above (excluding those who are in unimportant positions).
  8. The outside officer is not an individual who is involved in a matter that may cause a material conflict of interest in executing duties or who has interests that potentially influence decision making.
DFF Inc.

Training Policy

Training Policy

The Company provides training to its directors to ensure that they are able to adequately fulfill the responsibilities of their positions. Upon assuming office, newly appointed directors are briefed by the director in charge or the department in charge on the Group's management strategy, medium-term management plan, financial and accounting matters, and the status of business operations. In addition, directors are provided with timely information on economic conditions, industry trends, legal compliance, corporate governance, finance and accounting, and other important matters necessary to fulfill their roles, and supported in the execution of their duties by invitations to external training sessions and the like.

DFF Inc.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors

The Company evaluates the effectiveness of its Board of Directors each year on a regular basis and discloses the results with the aim of continuously enhancing corporate value. The evaluation is conducted with a survey about the Board of Directors’ effectiveness, and it is completed by all directors comprising the Board of Directors, and the results are reported to the Board of Directors. The Company is working to improve and enhance the identified points that need to be improved and enhanced upon further review.

DFF Inc.

Remuneration for Directors

Remuneration for Directors

The maximum amount of remuneration for directors is resolved at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders. For remuneration for senior management and directors (excluding directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee), the Representative Director prepares a proposal, taking into consideration the nature of their duties and the Company's situation, and the Board of Directors determines based on the results of discussions at the Nomination and Compensation Committee. Renumeration of directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee is determined through discussions by the Audit and Supervisory Committee, taking into consideration the nature of their duties, their experience, the Company's situation, and other relevant factors.
To increase the incentives for continuous performance improvement and to further promote value sharing with shareholders, the Company has also introduced a performance-linked remuneration system (profit-linked salary), a restricted stock remuneration system, and a stock price-linked point-based monetary remuneration system for directors (excluding outside directors and directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee).
The Company discloses the total amount of remuneration for directors, and for some directors, the amount is disclosed separately in the Annual Securities Report in accordance with laws and regulations. The Company also discloses the amount of base remuneration and performance-linked remuneration, as well as its policy for determining the calculation method to improve management transparency.

DFF Inc.

Skills Matrix

Skills Matrix

Name Expertise / Experience
Corporate Management Industry Knowledge Accounting / Finance IT / Digital Legal and Compliance Global Experience
Yasuhiro Ogawa
Takaharu Terauchi
Takashi Hamamatsu
Shoichi Sanpei
Junko Kawai
Masatsugu Oishi
Mitsusuke Koi
Tetsuo Kodera
Naotaka Murata
DFF Inc.