The Samty Group believes that the cornerstone of sustainability management is creating an environment in which employees can work in a rewarding and long-lasting manner. To this end, we aim to create a workplace where every one of our diverse employees, regardless of gender, age, nationality, etc., can work long-term while balancing work and life and demonstrating their individual abilities.
To achieve this, we prioritize the promotion of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) and actively expand support policies and systems to accommodate life events that enable work-life balance. We are committed to enhancing our policies to support diverse work styles.
We are committed to advancing the following initiatives:
This policy was approved by the Sustainability Promotion Committee on January 25, 2024
Established on January 25, 2024
Yasuhiro Ogawa
Representative Director and President
Samty Co., Ltd.
From the perspective of compliance with the Labor Standards Act and other laws and regulations, as well as employee health management, we promote the development of various systems, such as childcare leave, to provide our employees with work styles that ensure a good work-life balance. Remote work is also introduced for employees infected with COVID-19 or other infectious diseases, as well as for employees who are raising children, etc., as needed at the discretion of their department managers. In addition, we are actively working to reduce overtime hours. For example, we have introduced a system in which each employee’s PC is locked after regular working hours and must be unlocked with the permission of his or her supervisor to continue using it. The average overtime hours of employees in FY2023 were 8.45 hours/month (managers: 16.21 hours/month, non-managers: 6.54 hours/month). The Company is constantly aware of employee health management and labor productivity and has created an environment in which employees can efficiently finish their work during regular working hours. In FY2023, we continued to achieve the goal of an average overtime of within 10 hours per employee.
We recognize that consideration of employee health and the work environment is an important management issue that can lead to profit opportunities and have implemented extensive healthcare management programs from the perspective of “health management” by providing subsidies of up to 100,000 yen for comprehensive medical examinations for employees and managers aged 45 and older.
In addition, to prevent employees from developing mental health problems, we conduct stress checks for all employees in cooperation with medical institutions. For employees who are deemed to require special medical treatment or therapy, we recommend them to consult with a medical specialist or affiliated specialized institution.
In FY 2020, the Group introduced an internal recruitment system with the aim of providing motivated employees with opportunities to take on challenges and placing the right personnel in the right places. This system internally recruits personnel needed for specific businesses, projects, etc., and allows employees to freely apply for such positions. The internal recruitment is announced on the intranet, etc., and the personnel selection is made based on documents and interviews.
Since FY2023, the Group has conducted personnel interviews once a year with all employees, excluding directors and executive officers, as part of an initiative serving as an employee satisfaction survey. Prior to the personnel interview, we conduct a questionnaire about job satisfaction and workload, challenges for employees and the organization, and any concerns or issues that employees would like to discuss with their supervisors. The personnel interview allows employees to openly discuss matters that they would not usually discuss with their supervisors. The details of the interviews are fed back to the Company and utilized to create a healthy work environment for employees both mentally and physically.
The Group has established an Employee Hotel Use Subsidy Program as part of its welfare program and to promote a better understanding of the Group's business among its employees. This program subsidizes up to 100,000 yen per year for 100% of the accommodation expenses of employees of the Group or their relatives up to the second degree of kinship when they use the eligible hotels (21 locations, as of February 2024). This program is available not only to the employees themselves but also to their family members, providing an opportunity for them to gain a better understanding of and attachment to the Group.